
Blog: Coal Urbanism – Everyday life in the Mozambican coal frontier
Hello everyone, my name is Hiroyuki Tsuji, a PhD candidate at the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University. My research interest is about the evolution of extractive urbanism around Tete and Moatize cities in Tete province, Mozambique, and how different people in these areas have been coping with the evolution of…
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Green Hydrogen in the Global South Workshop: Opportunities and Challenges
On 12 December 2022, expert scholars and industry representatives from around the world gathered with interested public in Utrecht to discuss the potentially transformative effects of global large-scale green hydrogen investment. Green hydrogen trade is increasingly presented as a solution to the current energy and climate crises globally: but what are the implications for hydrogen…
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The inFRONT team co-organised the Mozambique infrastructure workshop
Kei Otsuki, Ruud Bosch, Emilinah Namaganda and Nikkie Wiegink co-organised, with colleagues from Groningen Jana Hoencke and Eric Cezne, a Mozambique infrastructure workshop. Invited were colleagues with a specific interest in infrastructure research and/or Mozambique, most of whom were in Utrecht for the 2019 LANDac conference on land governance in transition. With researchers and practitioners…
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