inFRONT: Inside Investment Frontiers of Sustainability Transitions


3 July 2019
09:00 - 13:00
Janskerkhof 2-3, Utrecht

The inFRONT team co-organised the Mozambique infrastructure workshop

Kei Otsuki, Ruud Bosch, Emilinah Namaganda and Nikkie Wiegink co-organised, with colleagues from Groningen Jana Hoencke and Eric Cezne, a Mozambique infrastructure workshop. Invited were colleagues with a specific interest in infrastructure research and/or Mozambique, most of whom were in Utrecht for the 2019 LANDac conference on land governance in transition. With researchers and practitioners attending from a variety of fields (geography, impact assessment, anthropology, international relations, engineering, resettlement consultancy among others), the workshop discussed such issues as resettlement practice, legal frameworks for land investment, regional security and how to conceptualise infrastructure. The workshop is expected to bring interesting opportunities for collaboration in the future.

More information on the workshop is available here.