inFRONT: Inside Investment Frontiers of Sustainability Transitions

Green Hydrogen in the Global South

Green hydrogen trade is increasingly presented as a solution to the current energy and climate crises globally: but what are the implications for hydrogen production areas in the Global South? Massive infrastructural developments with investments from the Global North are known to cause a wide range of social and environmental impacts, not just benefits. This project seeks to elucidate the (geo)politics and socio-spatial implications of green hydrogen transitions in the Global South. We aim to expand scholarly understandings of the politics, trans-scalarity, and effects of concerted global sustainability frameworks on the development of green hydrogen infrastructure.



Recent Events:

Wiegink, N, Cezne, E., & Otsuki, K. (Panel Convenors). (2023, 30 June). Energy transitions, land governance, and global inequality. IOS FT / LANDac Conference 2023, Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

Otsuki, K. & Cezne, E. (Workshop Organizers). (2022, 12 December). Green Hydrogen in the Global South: Opportunities and Challenges [Workshop]. Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

Recent Publications:

Gevaert, Stefan, Lioba Pause, Eric Cezne, and Kei Otsuki. ‘Green Hydrogen in the Global South: A Literature Review’, 2022.