inFRONT: Inside Investment Frontiers of Sustainability Transitions


Announcement of Policy Brief on the European Green Deal

We are proud to share the work of our members Ivo Wakounig and Kei Otsuki at the inFRONT team in their latest Policy Brief on the European Green Deal, that is now available for review and dissemination.

The European Green Deal (EGD) is the European Commission’s (EC) strategic roadmap for guiding the European Union (EU) toward achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 2050 (EC, 2019. It sets ambitious targets for decarbonising the European Union, particularly within its industrial sector. Since its inception in 2019, the focus on industrial competitiveness has gained prominence, especially in light of geopolitical shifts, such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine and ensuing uncertainties. To achieve industrial decarbonisation while ensuring that its industries remain competitive, the Green Deal deploys a mix of instruments including binding goals, investment support, and carbon pricing.

But what are the specific targets and timelines of the European Green Deal and how it differs from targets set by previous treaties? Which are the main policies guiding the EGD’s decarbonisation strategies? What are some expected impacts both in the domestic and global environments? Additionally, there is the bigger question of a noticeable gap in understanding the key policies and their corresponding impacts.

Consequently, the effectiveness of the multitude of strategies and instruments designed to promote industrial decarbonisation remains unclear. Hence, this policy brief aims to address these inquiries by providing a comprehensive overview of the European Green Deal’s strategies for industrial decarbonisation, tailored for non-experts.

You can access the policy brief here:


For further inquiries, please contact Ivo Wakounig & Kei Otsuki